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Monday, May 24, 2010

Service Dogs and Working Dogs - Their Role in Our Lives

With their calm dispositions, ease of training and keen sense of smell and ability to respond to what is going on around them some breeds of dogs make ideal service and working animals. The service dog will assist people who have physical limitations, have reduced or a complete loss of hearing or vision. They can go by the term 'helper dog', Aid dog or 'Assistance dog'. As with the working dogs they are bred for this type of work. The workers are trained for security, safety and sniffing abilities. They are both doing a job and do not assume the role of 'pet' as other dogs would.

There are elements to look for when considering any type of service dog. For example the dog needs to be an adequate height so that the owner can feel its movements and gestures. Sorry but a toy poodle trying to direct a 6 foot man who is visually impaired may not work well at all. Even an animal that grows too tall can be a problem as a service pet as they could be difficult for someone to reach up and walk with. They need to feel when they are stopping or turning immediately. They can pick up items off the ground to hand them off or retrieve items for the owner in some instances. Dogs that work for the police, military, airport or any security detail need to be calm animals. They will be surrounded by people and distractions and their training will partly to keep them focused on the task at hand. Some dogs are chosen for their keen sense of smell where they can pick up and track a scent effectively with little coaching when time is of the essence. Others are looking for smells that don't belong. Their keen noses can pick up and sniff out drugs, even explosives. The dog's ability to smell is so much more powerful than a human's nose it makes ideal for these types of employment opportunities.

While these animals are not treated like a pet would be they do enjoy a nice life. They are well exercised and fed and have the added bonus of receiving a great deal of appreciation and respect for a job well done. These four legged workers receive medals and awards for their efforts. Do they fully understand? Perhaps not but we do have an added value to our lives with them acting as a security force or being able to assist someone to make their life a little easier and much fuller.

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